Childhood myopia is more than just nearsightedness. It is a disease with many causes, symptoms, and luckily, new treatments. Learn the facts. Make a plan. Visit TreehouseEyes.com.

Childhood myopia is a disease with many causes – but there are new ways to treat it. Learn the facts. Make a plan. Visit TreehouseEyes.com.

Childhood myopia is more than just nearsightedness. Myopia is a disease with many causes, symptoms, and luckily, new treatments. The more you know, the better prepared you are to protect your child’s vision. Learn the facts. Make a plan. Visit TreehouseEyes.com.

Digital learning, less time outside and more screen time has resulted in a significant uptick in childhood myopia. The good news is there are new ways to treat myopia in children. Learn the facts. Make a plan. Visit TreehouseEyes.com.

Helping your child see clearly is an important step in addressing nearsightedness, but there are new options to treat childhood myopia, the disease that causes nearsightedness. Learn the facts. Make a plan. Visit TreehouseEyes.com.