Tasters said the coffee was was as bold but less bitter than the leading competitor, and research showed sampling was the key to success. From a minisite with digital delighters to the morning paper, we made a tiny budget work hard by turning one mundane Monday morning into a reason to get excited about coffee. 
on a Mission to make the world less bitter
Small space newspaper teaser ads were placed throughout the paper, and written to specific sections: 
On Monday November 19, the newspaper came wrapped in this polybag, with a coffee sample inside, and a coupon.
Full page Newspaper ad in the same paper on Monday, November 19:
Street teams...
...wearing t-shirts...
...distributed samples along with a coupon and bumper stickers...
After Monday, the mission was continued with small space newspaper "non-bitter tips..."
...and online efforts such as sending a sample to a friend,..
...A contest that took votes to distribute charity donations,.. 
...and various non-bitter delighters.

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